IBRA News 20.04.2023 – IBRA in Essen is the focus of the new JUNGE SAMMLER!

(dw-dphj/pcp) The IBRA World Stamp Exhibition will take place from 25 to 28 May at Messe Essen. To ensure that as many young collectors as possible find their way to Essen, the booklet shows many great reasons to visit the World Stamp Exhibition. Not only the participants in the DPhJ Youth Meeting or the German exhibitors of the Youth Class will enjoy the days in Essen full of offers. The magazine is also an invitation to the Ruhr metropolis Essen for the readers of the youth magazine.
Have you brought your friends to Essen? Then you have good reason to win the IBRA game. The game is in the new issue of Junge Sammler. The popular Young Collector Quiz and the election of the most beautiful music and aviation stamps invite you to participate. Reports from the national rings show activities from Munich to Berlin.

Those who prefer reading will find entertaining articles on the film Avatar, the postal newspaper service and the fight against malaria. An article on a new stamp issue from the Channel Islands takes you around the world in 80 days. And the new boy collector poster with two cuddly cute kittens should also find a place in the room – eye candy not only for stamp fans.

Sadly, the German Philatelic Youth mourns the loss of the head of its office. Gaby Lennartz was also part of the editorial team and was always a helpful contact person for readers and interested parties of the magazine.

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